IceLand: O my God They Will be Died

This is world largest Iceland and you can see there are lots of people playing in the water which is too hard. If you also want to go this place then don't worry you have good options such as air plan, and bases.
Just see this image and enjoy...........

Personalized Mesothelioma Treatments: Knockout Technology May Lead Researchers to

Personalized Mesothelioma Treatments: Knockout Technology May Lead Researchers .

Sigma Life Sciences, a biotechnology company that offers products for all disciplines of life science research from antibodies to animal models, has announced that they have added new genetically modified cancer cells to their range of high-quality cell lines.  They expect that their human knockout and knock-in oncology cell lines will “offer researchers cellular models of cancer that are expected to enhance development of drugs for personalized medicine.”  Just as with many cancers, mesothelioma treatments can differ dramatically across patients and personalized treatment targeted to a particular patient optimizes the potential for success of the treatment.

Mesothelioma is a rare, incurable cancer of the lining of the lungs or abdomen that is highly aggressive and is resistant to standard cancer treatments, making it a difficult disease to treat effectively.  As a result, the disease has challenged the medical and research community for years.  Although researchers have made progress in recent years, identifying an effective treatment modality for each patient combating the fatal disease remains elusive.

Using their proprietary tool CompoZr ZFN, Sigma believes their new cell lines will accelerate the development of personalized medicine for researchers through “target validation, identification of mechanistic actions of drugs and investigation of disease development, progression and remission.”  The CompoZr tool allows Sigma to develop knockout and knock-in models that enable scientists in the development of personalized drugs.

Knockout is a genetic technique in which one of an organism’s genes is made inoperative, or knocked out, of the organism.  The genes are then used to draw inferences from the difference between the knockout organism and normal individuals.  Researchers focusing on mesothelioma treatments will especially benefit from this tool and development of cell lines as they continue their pursuit of an effective detection method, treatment, or cure for mesothelioma.

Sigma, which has received a silver medal as a “Top Ten Innovations of 2010″ from The Scientist magazine for developing knockout rats using CompoZr, will start its offering with cell lines that model colorectal and lung cancer.  Dr. Edward Weinstein, director of SAGE Labs, Sigma’s genetic engineering laboratories focused on designing and producing off-the-shelf and custom animal models, said the use of knockout technologies will “provide scientists with powerful new tools to study human diseases.”


Best Place of the World: You Must See

These are the best place of the world you must see. you can see here natural beauty such as Himalaya.

This spectacle of awesome dimensions …the 3000 kilometer long towering mountain range with tiers of rock, ranges upon ranges, sky scraping peaks and canyons, is the planet’s highest mountain system and includes the world’s highest peaks; Mount Everest and K2. It stretches through Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan. This is where earth meets the sky!

Read more: More of Most Beautiful Places Of The World

Mount Kilimanjaro – Africa 

Ernest Hemingway described this mountain as, “as wide as all the world, great, high and unbelievably white,” in his book, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.”

Read more: More of Most Beautiful Places Of The World

Niagara Falls-----

What is Cancer

Cancer has become a dreadful word in most people's mind. There is no scarier diagnosis than that of cancer. Cancer is indeed a serious, life-threatening illness, with an estimated 500, 000 deaths each year.
Cancer Pictures aims to clarify some of the questions you have.

Cancer is a kind of disease where certain cells of the body undergo an out-of-control, abnormal cell growth. Our body is composed of millions of cells, which coordinate in groups, forming body tissues and organs. These cells grow and reproduce constantly, replacing defective or dying cells. In cancer, however, cellular division and reproduction goes uncontrolled and uncoordinated. In some studies, this undesirable process by cancer cells is known to have been caused by a damage or defect in the cell's DNA, the genetic material that defines cellular characteristics and function.
Cancer cells division is much different from normal cells. Normal cells reproduce themselves exactly how they are and stop when they mature at the right time and specialize according to their specific function. Normal cells stick together in the right place and when they are damaged, they self-destruct as new cells begin to proliferate to destroy them. Cancer cell division is a different story. Cancer cells do not stop reproducing, they go on and on without stopping, forming clumps and affecting normal body function. They do not heed and obey any signals from other cells and they do not stick together. They do not specialize and thus they stay immature.
Cancer begins to harm the body when cancer cells reproduce and clump together to form what is called a tumor. The tumor presses, crushes and destroys what is around it, including non-cancerous cells and tissues. This is what defines the many symptoms cancer patients often experience. As the tumor grows, it interferes with the nervous, digestive and circulatory systems, altering normal body functions. A tumor that stays in one part of the body, and which demonstrate limited growth is called benign. Benign cancer is usually non-threatening. However, when cancer cells manage to move and migrate throughout the body, they are called malignant cells. Malignant cancer is more dangerous, as it migrates and invades other body organs. This process, called metastasis, leads to serious conditions which maybe difficult to treat.

Cancer diagnosis is critical in the treatment of cancer. Early detection increases the odds of treatment and survival of patient with cancer. Cancer diagnosis is based on a person's symptoms and the results of his physical examination. Screening tests are also performed which will define what type of cancer he has. Imaging techniques such as CT scans, X-rays, PET scans and ultrasound helps detect where the cancer cells specifically.  Biopsy, the process of extracting cancer cells and examining them under a microscope, is the absolute and most reliable way to diagnose cancer. Altogether, molecular diagnostics, imaging techniques and biopsies are used to diagnose the presence of cancer.

After diagnosis, how far the cancer has spread throughout the body has to be determined. This process is called staging. The most common staging method is called the TNM system, where T (which is scored from 1-4) suggests the size and the extent of the primary tumor, N (0-3) indicates the degree of spread to nearby lymph nodes and M (0-1) suggests the degree to which the cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body. Another simpler categorization of cancer is staging from 0-4. Stage 1 tumors are generally curable while Stage 4 indicates a more grave condition, which is that the tumor is inoperable or that cancer has spread and is untreatable.

The National Cancer Institute has listed the most common cancer types based on cancer diagnosis that has the greatest frequency. To qualify as a common cancer, the estimated annual incidence has to be 35,000 cases or more. The most common types of cancer are skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. Each of these is discussed further in the next pages of cancer pictures.

Bohol Philippines:Tarsier and Chocolate Hills

Bohol Philippines:Tarsier and Chocolate Hills
Bohol offers a wide variety of attractions from natural white sand beaches, old houses, diving sites, scenic natural Tarsier and Chocolate Hills of The Philippinessights, ancient churches, historical sites and even beautiful ecotourism highlights, birding, dolphin and whale watching and of course diving are popular activities of the place. Bohol’s natural heritage and ecology is one of the best things to see.

Rosanna Davison:19-year-old Irish girl named

She become miss world what a fantastic good luck for she:
A 19-year-old Irish girl named Rosanna Davison, daughter of the singer Chris De Burgh, was named Miss World last night in Hainan, China. Second place went to Miss Canada, Nazanin Afshin-Jam, while Miss China, Guan Qi, was placed third. Davison (pictured below) said she was a "warm, fun-loving person who values honesty and integrity". What about world peace, animals and hungry children?

O my god: What a Beauty in Earth

There are lots of beauty places is across the world but can you imagine this is also biggest beauty place where many people are spending there times.

In the Arches on Madeira Drive, Brighton, Julie-Anne Gilburt and Jamie McCartney have an art and body casting gallery and studio. It's a fascinating and surprising place to look around, These photos were taken there and are reproduced on Flickr with there permission.

Miss World Weeping: Next Time

It is really disappointing that Miss India 2007 could not impress in Miss World 2007 competition. So, Indian participants took away the title of Miss World competition five times in the past. However, this time India even failed to make it to the semi final of the beauty pageant. So, the 57th competition of Miss World will remain as an unsuccessful competition for India. Now, let us see if India can turn out to get back its past glory next time.

philippines beauty pageants

I am a Newar. Born Newar. Raised in the heart of Patan. Living in the city of Newars.
The fact that “Newa Pride” has never appealed to me has nothing to do with how much I dislike Newari people in general. (Confession: I even seriously lack Nepali Pride. I wonder, what that is supposed to mean.)
The issue here is Nepal Sambat calendar and Newari New Year 1129. The government has now recognized Nepal Sambat calendar as the national calendar and has also declared Shankhadhar Shakhwa as the national icon, the one who supposedly started Nepal Sambat calendar around 800 AD. History has it; this Shakwa dude magically absolved the people of Kathmandu of a terrible debt and gave them freedom. And to mark his benevolent work, Shakwa himself is said to have started Nepal Sambat calendar.
Now, with the recognition of NS and its New Year day, we will officially have three separate “new year” days in single year. Bikram Sambat, Nepal Sambat and Lohsar.  There’s also the English New Year.
Moreover, the government has also decided to form a task force on finding ways to incorporate the Nepal Sambat into “practical use” in daily activities.
President Doctor Sahib, himself lauded the government’s decision. This will keep intact, the national integrity and cultural harmony, he stated. Prime Minister Intense too said, the government will always step up its effort in preserving and conserving Nepal’s unique cultural identities. Former PM Koirala Babu speeded to Bhaktapur early morning and offered garland on the statue of Shakhwa dude. General Secretary of UML, Jhalanath Khanal did not miss out the moment either. He praised highly of the current coalition government, of which his party is proudly part of, for making a decision to recognize Nepal Sambat.
For once, I want to be optimistic and say, yeah – this sort of recognition of a cultural identity will surely maintain peace and harmony in the country.
There’s Bahun Pride, Chettri Pride, Maithili Pride, Madhesi Pride, Yadav Pride, Thakur Pride. There’s Buddhist Pride. There’s Muslim Pride and Convert-Christian Pride too. Lots of Pride.
I really want to be optimistic. But I don’t know how, all these pride will remain peaceful and harmonious.
And, what I don’t understand is, why form a government task force (with cultural experts, historians and astrologers) and try to incorporate or rather enforce the Nepal Sambat into the present use!
Do we seriously need yet another calendar?

And how come, all of a sudden, PM Intense sees the need to preserve “unique cultural identity”. His party members are the ones who started chopping off “sacred and holy” cows and eating them. (Though, I am not against that.)
Newar people of the Kathmandu valley celebrated the New Year 1129 – with enthusiasm, passion and pride. There were rallies, there were processions, there were singing and dancing, there were drunken frenzy, there were chants, and there was madness in the


Pink Viagra In search

The pharma industry has no shortage of critics, but perhaps one of the most fervent is Ray Moynihan, an Australian writer intent on exposing a host of pharmaceutical evils: disease-mongering, price-gouging, fraudulent reporting of clinical trial data – the list goes on.
Co-written with Barbara Mintzes, Sex, Lies and Pharmaceuticals suggests that an old tactic – the tendency of the pharma industry to “invent” new diseases – is being applied to a new area: female sexual dysfunction.
Q&A: Sex, lies and pink Viagra
A new documentary reveals why pink Viagra remains as elusive as its goal
Is 'female Viagra' a much-needed remedy or just hard to swallow?

A few pages in, it’s hard not to feel déjà vu. Moynihan came out a few years ago with Selling Sickness, a book tackling the problem of medicalization, the tendency for typical life phases or human behaviour such as shyness to be medicalized – treated as disorders and diseases requiring medical treatment.

The economic motivation for medicalization is obvious. Once something is labelled a disease, it requires intervention, often in the form of a pharmaceutical cure. Profits expand, the sicker we are exhorted to feel.

A long list of human behaviour has swung back and forth beneath the gaze of physicians. The famous example is homosexuality, listed until the 1970s in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a handbook that classifies psychiatric disorders.

More recently, it has been suggested masculinity has become medicalized, with traits that are common among boys and men deemed damaging to their own health. An obvious case is baldness, something that has no health consequences but has nonetheless been touted as an ailment requiring intervention by the makers of hair-replacement therapies. More alarming has been the explosion of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among boys displaying a degree of “boyish” unruliness deemed abnormal or self-destructive.

Moynihan and Mintzes tackle a new area: female sexual dysfunction – defined as inadequate sexual function in women. FSD has spawned a litter of umbrella disorders, such as female sexual arousal disorder (FASD), the equivalent to male impotence. Moynihan and Mintzes suggest that the holy grail of the female sexual dysfunction movement is the quest for a female equivalent to Viagra.

Viagra has earned billions for its maker, Pfizer. Other manufacturers raced to launch competitor drugs, such as GlaxoSmithKline’s Levitra and Eli Lilly’s Cialis. Aware that at least half the population was missing out, companies first tried the obvious – testing Viagra in women. Women failed to respond as hoped, and the view among specialists today is that a pill is needed to target women’s brains the same way Viagra targets the vascular system.

While they search for this pharmaceutical gold mine, industry groups are prepping the public for pink-coloured Viagra, launching campaigns to educate doctors and patients about the pervasiveness of female sexual dysfunction – alleged to afflict more than a third of women. A 1999 study in the Journal of American Medical Association suggested that 43 per cent of women suffered from some sort of sexual dysfunction, a statistic that must have been manna to the ears of manufacturers.

It’s a statistic that also reflects the tough task facing Moynihan and Mintzes. They want to condemn industry for preying on human insecurity and profiting from the oldest adage in the book: Sex sells. The problem is, just as Viagra has been embraced by millions, its pink equivalent would be a sure seller – and not because consumers are dupes, or because industry is inherently malevolent, or because doctors are in the pockets of companies. Sure, some are, but such a thesis always oversimplifies the links between human disease and human desire. Most of them time, people want to be told that a problem is medical in orientation. It helps to exonerate a sense of personal blame.

Some suggest a problem with the trend toward medicalization is that many things labelled as medical disorders stem from social, and not biological, causes. As the authors write, “labelling a woman with a medical condition when she mightn’t actually have one can mean failing to get the root of the problem – especially if it’s not her problem alone but has risen from her relationship.”

True enough, and yet most people experience times when as much as it’s blindingly obvious a problem is not theirs alone, it’s up to them alone to fix it – and a pill is often the quickest or only means.

Philosopher Jacques Derrida called attention to the ancient Greek word pharmakon, which has a range of ambiguous meanings: drug, poison, remedy, charm. Related to the word pharmakos, or human scapegoat, these terms are etymologically linked to pharmacology today – an astounding field responsible for chemical cures and chemical albatrosses alike.


Savage Beauty:Alexander McQueen

The work of Alexander McQueen, who died in last year, is to be the subject of an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. A preview of the show, which will run 4 May to 31 July 2011, was unveiled at the Ritz as part of London fashion week. The US exhibition will feature more than 100 pieces of work from McQueen's 19-year career

Let's see Korian Beauty:

Let's see Korian Beautiful girl who is very smart. There are lots of beautiful people in the world but you can't find as Korian you can see here. 

Wonder of The World: Any one can shock

This is one of the biggest wonder of the world and any one can be shock because you can't seen yet. Now, you are lucky here to see this wounder. You can read all information about this place on the Wikipedia just search in the Google Search Engine.
This is Beauty of the World,

Best Pics of the World

This is one of the best pics in across the world and I want to tel you you can't find any where it just watch and Amazing.because it is called natural beauty.

This Picture I copy from 

Colin Firth:Married to most beautiful woman in the world

She may be married to Hollywood's man of the moment, but Livia Giuggioli can apparently relax when it comes to her husband Colin Firth and all the attention he is getting for The King's Speech.

The actor hotly tipped for success at this month's Oscars ceremony has insisted in an interview that he's 'married to the most beautiful woman in the world' and is never tempted to stray.

The BAFTA winner was also good enough to reveal the secret to a happy marriage - time.

Appearing on Piers Morgan Tonight, Firth said: "It does help to actually realise that however stunning the person who is, you know, fluttering eyelashes at you is, she doesn't do anything to match up to your wife.

"Maybe it's shallow of me to have a wife that's so beautiful but it actually makes things easier. To me she's the most beautiful woman in the world."

"We've made it 15 years together," he continued. "I think that's pretty good going, by Hollywood standards. And it's going to go on forever. You just navigate things on a daily basis. We are crazy about each other.

"We're very committed on a daily basis to how we deal with our family lives. But the real secret is time - we have to make sure that we spend enough time together.

"Every relationship in life you're going to have to take care of, there's a marathon factor to it."

What do you make of Colin's comments? Let us know below...

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The paps love to catch the stars unawares - check out the latest celebs w

Latest beauty woman

Lisa Bimuller has a simple plan for success that starts with the name of her new business.

Bimuller opened Absolute Bliss Salon, 6594 E. Second St. in Prescott Valley, where she offers clients a heavenly experience.

"That's how we want people to feel when they come in here," she said. "I just like making people feel good."

The salon is a one-stop shop for men, women and children seeking haircuts and more.

Bimuller has three apiece hairdressers and nail technicians and offers chair massages on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Haircuts start at $15 for children, men's cuts run $20 and women pay $30 for the service that includes a blow dry and styling.

Dabur's :Oxylife offer top most beauty product in the market

In a bid to tap the fast growing Indian professional beauty care market, FMCG major Dabur today said it has developed products to cater to the segment as it looks to take on the likes of French cosmetic giant L'Oreal and Lakme.

The company, which has only been selling its products through retail outlets, has introduced its new skincare range 'OxyLife' to tap beauty parlours and salons.

"While Dabur has been offering its range of skin care and bleaching products to parlours, a professional range was absent from our portfolio. With OxyLife Professional Facial Kit we are tapping into a big opportunity in professional space," Dabur India Head Of Marketing (Skin Care) Sanjay Singal told PTI.

According to industry estimates, the size of Indian professional beauty care market, comprising salons and parlours, is around Rs 800 crore. It is currently dominated by L'Oreal, Lakme and VLCC.

"Dabur sees the professional beauty market as a fast growing market with tremendous potential. With growing income and changing lifestyle the beauty aspirations of both men and women are growing making this market even more attractive," Singal said.

"We have a large dedicated team for the professional channel and we plan to utilise their expertise for making this kit available to parlours and salons," Singal said.

The company said the new range will not be available on retail shelves and will be sold directly to parlours through its sales professionals.
Besides, the company said it is also looking to expand the offerings to other categories as well in the days to come. At present, under Oxylife, the company offers a kit consisting of face cleanser, scrub, cream, gel and pack at a price of Rs 995

Hairdressers: Are hairdressers too expensive?

Hairdressers: Are hairdressers too expensive?

Australians have cut back on clothes shopping and in fact all our discretionary spending in the past couple of months and now the word is that we are stretching our hair appointments - going that extra one or even three or four weeks between salon visits.

Retailers are reporting lower sales, even from the abundant post-Christmas sales events which seem to be going on and on. And now hairdessers say they are seeing their clients far less often, even the regulars, and even the well-heeled regulars. ''They're going eight weeks or even 10 weeks between cuts instead of six,'' said one Melbourne CBD stylist. ''With longer styles you can get away with it.''  Others said that budget-conscious women are requesting simpler styles that don't require as much maintenance. 

But what about shorter hair that goes flop or (speaking from experience) curly wild? And can you really stretch colour? Isn't tell-tale silver around the temples a false economy, grey roots a giveaway? There are some alternatives to eking out those expensive appointments. If you're a capable type of person, there's home dyeing. But what about instead finding a cheaper stylist? My mum has just had her best colour yet and it was at a suburban salon that charged two-thirds the rate of her usual South Yarra haunt. It was well worth putting up with the instant coffee. A workmate paid $75 for what he described as a ''camp'' cut (no comment) at a top salon. The next cut was a cool cut (my words) from an outer suburban shopping strip salon. It cost him $30.

Who are the clever ones here? Is it time to turn our backs on expensive salon visits? Are cuts and clours overpriced? How do we make our hair-care dollars go further?


Dry lips and skin: After winter's wrath, fix frizzy hair

(CNN) -- When the weather turns frigid, your survival instincts kick in. You jump into a scalding shower, slather on medicated lip balm and blow-dry your hair into submission. Little did you know these common beauty blunders only perpetuate a vicious cycle.
If your skin looks like a crocodile purse and your hair resembles a lion's mane, your winter beauty routine needs to refocus on one thing: moisture. After months of cold, the time to switch gears is now.

"With the drier weather, there's less humidity in the air," says SELF magazine's beauty editor, Nicole Catanese. "It really comes down to going back to the basics."
Here are this season's top tips for your hair, lips, skin and nails.
Your scalp produces fewer oils in the winter so shampooing every day isn't necessary, says Genevieve Monsma, beauty director of MORE magazine. Wear a shower cap or if you feel dirty, just rinse with warm water and use conditioner.
Static is often the biggest hair problem in cold weather. Catanese recommends using a leave-in spray conditioner immediately after getting out of the shower, then drying your hair on a medium setting. If you're still getting fly-aways, consider a deep-moisturizing hair mask once a week.
Cheap fix: Buy a bottle of vitamin E oil from your local health food store and comb it through your hair before hitting the sack.
You've probably heard that you can be "addicted" to lip balm. Not true, Monsma says, but if you feel that way, your balm is covering up an underlying issue.
"There's a barrier layer on your skin," she says. "When it's very dry outside, that barrier gets disrupted, the layer gets tears and holes, so any moisture you put on your lips seeps right back out."
The solution is finding a hydrating balm with lipids that will give the barrier layer time to heal. Stay away from long-lasting lip color formulas and balms with menthol.
Cheap fix: Vaseline keeps dry air out and prevents you from licking your lips.
Apparently being a beauty editor requires a background in chemistry. Monsma and Catanese spouted off hard-to-spell compounds like ceramides, lactic acids, peptides and glycerin as the best ingredients to look for in skin moisturizers. What does that mean? Skip the anti-aging aisle (the chemicals designed to stop wrinkles can be drying) and check for vitamin E. What happens in the shower matters too. First, pass on the boiling water. "You can douse your whole body in cream but if you totally stripped your body of that protective barrier, it's going to take a lot to get it back to that natural balance," Catanese warns. Then switch your soap for a creamier body wash that will add moisture as it cleanses.
Cheap fix: A humidifier for your bedroom will replace the moisture that your heater sucks out of the air, stopping the problem before it starts.
"I've had a number of nail gurus tell me that oil is better than lotion," Monsma says about keeping your hands moisturized.
Monsma recommends rubbing some into your cuticles before pulling your gloves on to head out the door. Similar to wearing socks on your feet over lotion to bed, it gives the moisture time to absorb before you hit the office.Cheap fix: Olive oil from the grocery store works just as well as special nail oils. From the inside out
We all know that with beauty, it's what's on the inside that counts. No, seriously.
"One of the best things you can do is to get plenty of omega 3 fatty acids," says Carin Gorrell, nutrition director at SELF magazine.
Gorrell recommends upping your intake of foods like salmon, almonds and sardines (um... or tuna) to help fight inflammation caused by dryness.
Other nutrients to make sure you're getting: vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin C is good for building healthy collagen and can be found in citrus fruits, red bell peppers and broccoli. Vitamin E, found in sunflower seeds and nuts, is an antioxidant that's found in the top layers of the skin. It guards the membrane by holding water in.
Also important is biotin. The vitamin is necessary in cell growth, which slows during the winter. Find it in egg yolks and peanuts.
Cheap fix: Drink more water. "Your skin cells are made up mostly of water," Gorrell says. "It kind of heals you from the inside out."

Mesothelioma Symptoms

For the past several decades, information about mesothelioma had been scarce and inconclusive, making this form of cancer one of the most indefinite and unspecified diseases in modernhistory. As physicians, scientists and various medical research experts learn more about this fatal disease, we’ve been able to determine that the greatest asset we have in battling this disease is information. Because mesothelioma carries such a great latency period, this disease is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are so similar to more common and treatable illnesses. is an extensive database of information and resources for patients and their families to better understand the symptoms of mesothelioma and the various aspects ofdiagnosisprognosis, treatment, and many other factors of survival. Information regarding mesothelioma will continue to become more prevalent over the next 10 years, as scientists are working effortlessly to better understand this terrible disease. With this new information comes hope and progress, and patients, their families, and the general public can continue their growth in knowledge and awareness, and through that this disease can be combated.
Currently, as many as 3,000 people will be diagnosed with mesothelioma each year, and that number is only expected to increase in conjunction with the widespread use of asbestos throughout the last century. There is no cure for mesothelioma, but that does not mean that something cannot be done to prevent the spread of this cancer. By identifying symptoms early, life expectancy can be increased, creating a better quality of life for patients and their loved ones.



Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of this disease, occurring in 75 percent of cases. This cancer develops in the pleura, which is the lining of the lung.
Peritoneal mesothelioma is found in the peritoneal membrane in the stomach. This type accounts for less than 20 percent of cases.
Pericardial mesothelioma forms in the pericardium, which is the lining of the heart. This type accounts for less than 5 percent of cases.
Testicular mesothelioma is the rarest form of the cancer. It develops in the testicles. There have been very few diagnosed cases of testicular mesothelioma.


Symptoms of mesothelioma usually do not appear for 20 to 50 years after asbestos exposure. When symptoms do appear, it may still be difficult to diagnose mesothelioma, as the symptoms often mimic other diseases likeasbestosis, as well as typical respiratory illnesses and even the common cold. The symptoms vary according to the type of mesothelioma. Those with pleural mesothelioma often exhibit persistent coughing, chest pains, shortness of breath, fatigue and lumps on the chest, under the skin. Those with the peritoneal type may experience abdominal pain, weight loss and nausea. Pericardial mesothelioma causes irregular heartbeats, palpitations, breathing difficulties, chest pain and night sweats. Testicular mesothelioma causes lumps on the testicles that may or may not be painful.


A physician will perform a review of a patient's medical history and conduct a physical examination. If the findings suggest something abnormal, the doctor may order some diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, MRI scans, CT scans or PET scans. These tests are used to locate the cancer, identify the size and determine the type of cancer. A biopsy is usually also ordered to test fluid and tissue samples and see if the mesothelioma is benign or malignant.


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Main Purpose: Erectile Dysfunction. Tadalafil, sold under the name Cialis is highly appreciated for staying effective for 36 hours, which gives more freedom and comfort for both partners.
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Viagra & Cialis Pro Trial Pack
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Main Purpose: ED Trial Pack. The fourth generation of phosphodiesterase inhibitors featuring the most potent action of the chemical ingredients in every aspect.
Viagra 3 Types Trial Pack
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Viagra Fruit Soft Tabs 100mg
Main Purpose: Erectile Dysfunction. These fruit flavoured pills have exactly the same effect as original Viagra, but they are chewable, which allows the drug to enter your blood stream faster than the standard method of swallowing a pill.
Viagra Mint Soft Tabs 100mg
Main Purpose: Erectile Dysfunction. These mint flavoured pills have exactly the same effect as original Viagra, but they are chewable, which allows the drug to enter your blood stream faster than the standard method of swallowing a pill.
Viagra Professional 100mg
Main Purpose: Erectile Dysfunction. Viagra Professional is the next generation of Viagra. It is an extra-strength version of the first sildenafil drug to treat erectile dysfunction.
Viagra Super Active 100mg
Main Purpose: Erectile Dysfunction. Viagra Super Active represents the fourth generation of phosphodiesterase inhibitors featuring the most potent action of the chemical ingredients.
Viagra, Cialis, Levitra Trial Pack
Top ED Pills
Main Purpose: ED Trial Pack. Best selling ED treatment drugs. Try which one works best for you.
Viagra 100mg
Main Purpose: Erectile Dysfunction. Sildenafil Citrate, sold under the name Viagra is the best selling ED medication in the world. It is especially popular in a 100mg dosage.
Viagra 50mg
Main Purpose: Erectile Dysfunction. These 50mg pills can be easily split into two 25mg parts, which is very useful for those who need a full control of accepted dosage.

Compare Erectile Dysfunction Products
Each ED medicine has its own specific characteristics, so each type is catered to a different ED category, which is why it's very important to consult with your doctor before taking any ED pills.
Drug Name Dosage Start Time Duration Form How to Take Fatty Food or Alcohol
50mg, 100mg 1 hour 3-4 hours Tablet Take with a glass of water No
Viagra Soft Tabs
100mg 15 - 20 min 6 hours Soft Tab Chew Yes
Viagra Professional
100mg DE * 30 min 4 hours Tablet Take with a glass of water No
Viagra Super Active
100mg DE * 10 min 9 hours Gelatin Pill Take with a glass of water Yes
20mg 30 min 36 hours Tablet Take with a glass of water No
Cialis Soft Tabs
20mg 15 - 20 min 24 - 36 hours Soft Tab Chew Yes
Cialis Sublingual
20mg DE * 20 - 30 min 36 - 48 hours Tablet Put under the tongue till it dissolves No
Cialis Super Active
20mg DE * 5 - 7 min 50 - 55 hours Gelatin Pill Take with a glass of water Yes
20mg 10 - 60 min 12 hours Tablet Take with a glass of water No

Please remember, all presented ED pills need sexual stimulation to work, you will not automatically get an erection without sexual stimulation.

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Breast cancer is the most common of all cancers and is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women worldwide, accounting for >1.6% of deaths and case fatality rates are highest in low-resource countries. A recent study of breast cancer risk in India revealed that 1 in 28 women develop breast cancer during her lifetime. This is higher in urban areas being 1 in 22 in a lifetime compared to rural areas where this risk is relatively much lower being 1 in 60 women developing breast cancer in their lifetime. In India the average age of the high risk group in India is 43-46 years unlike in the west where women aged 53-57 years are more prone to breast cancer.

The risk factors influencing breast cancer risk are broadly classified into modifiable and non –modifiable factors. The non modifiable risk factors are age, gender, number of first degree relatives suffering from breast cancer, menstrual history, age at menarche and age at menopause. While the modifiable risk factors are BMI, age at first child birth, number of children, duration of breast feeding, alcohol, diet and number of unsuccessful pregnancies ( abortions).

Women with a higher than average risk of developing breast cancer may be offered screening and genetic testing for the condition. NHS Breast Screening Programme recommends that women between 50-70 years of age of should be screened once every three years. Screening is especially recommended for women with risk factors, a significant one being family history. Having a 1st-degree relative (mother, sister, and daughter) with breast cancer doubles or triples the risk of developing the cancer. About 5% of women with breast cancer carry a mutation in one of the 2 known breast cancer genes, BRCA1 or BRCA2. If relatives of such a woman also carry the gene, they have a 50 to 85% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. Heightened awareness of breast cancer risk in the past decades has led to an increase in the number of women undergoing mammography for screening, leading to detection of cancers in earlier stages and an improvement in survival rates. Approximately 20% of the cancers detected in a given year will be missed at the screening, but will become clinically evident in the period before the next screen (interval cancers).

The various abnormalities of the breast include nipple discharge, inflammations, ANDI , benign disorders, phyllodes / sarcomas and carcinoma Most breast cancers are epithelial tumors that develop from cells lining ducts or lobules; less common are nonepithelial cancers of the supporting stroma (eg, angiosarcoma, primary stromal sarcomas, phyllodes tumor). Cancers are divided into carcinoma in situ and invasive cancer. Paget's disease of the nipple is a form of ductal carcinoma in situ that extends into the overlying skin of the nipple and areola, manifesting with an inflammatory skin lesion and may become invasive.
The pathological variations of breast cancer influence the prognosis. In situ cancers (DCIS/LCIS) are slow growing, indolent tumors. Autopsy studies have indicated that the incidence of DCIS in asymptomatic women ranges from .02% to 18.2% indicating that some DCIS do not become evident during a women’s lifetime. Invasive carcinoma is primarily adenocarcinoma. About 80% is the infiltrating ductal type; most of the remainder is infiltrating lobular. The pathological variants with a favorable prognosis are tubular, cribriform, mucinous and adenoid cystic variants, while intermediate prognosis is seen with medullary, secretory and invasive lobular cancers. The most unfavorable pathology is high grade metaplastic, micropalliary, signet ring cell morphology, inflammatory cancer.

Breast cancer invades locally and spreads initially through the regional lymph nodes, bloodstream, or both. Metastatic breast cancer may affect almost any organ in the body—most commonly, lungs, liver, bone, brain, and skin.

Most breast cancers present as

• a lump felt by the patient or during routine physical examination or mammography.

• Less commonly, the presenting symptom is thickening in the breast. Paget's disease of the nipple presents with skin changes, including erythema, crusting, scaling, and discharge.

• A few patients with breast cancer present with signs of metastatic disease (eg, pathologic fracture, pulmonary dysfunction).

During a physical examination a lump is felt distinctly different from the surrounding breast tissue. More advanced breast cancers are characterized by fixation of the lump to the chest wall or to overlying skin, by satellite nodules or ulcers in the skin. Matted or fixed axillary lymph nodes suggest tumor spread. Inflammatory breast cancer is characterized by diffuse inflammation and enlargement of the breast, often without a lump, and has a particularly aggressive course.


Primary bone cancer -- cancer that actually starts in bone tissue -- is relatively rare. Bone cancer can occur in any of the bones of the body, but it occurs most often in the long bones of the arms and legs.
While it can occur at any age, the most common types occur in children and young adults.

Primary bone cancer, which means cancer that actually starts in bone tissue, is relatively rare. About 2,400 cases are diagnosed every year. Primary bone cancer can occur in any of the 206 bones of the adult human body, but it occurs most often in the long bones of the arms and legs. Although bone cancer can occur at any age, the most common types occur in children and young adults.
Bone cancers form in the cells that make hard bone tissue. Cancers that arise in the cells produced in the bone marrow, such as leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma, are not considered bone cancers, although they do affect the bone and may require orthopedic management.
Benign (noncancerous) bone tumors are more common than malignant (cancerous) ones. Although benign tumors do not spread, and are rarely life threatening, both types may grow and compress healthy bone tissue and absorb or replace it with abnormal tissue.

Osteosarcoma is the most common type of primary bone cancer, making up 35 percent of bone cancer cases. This cancer affects primarily children and young adults between the ages of 10 and 25. Osteosarcoma often starts in the ends of bones, where new tissue forms as children grow. It arises most often in the knee.
Chondrosarcomas, one of the most common types of bone cancer in adults over age 50, form in cartilage -- usually around the pelvis, knee, shoulders, or upper part of the thighs. These cancers make up 26 percent of all bone cancer cases.
Ewing's Sarcoma
Ewing's sarcoma occurs most often in the middle part of bones, arising most often in the hip, ribs, upper arm, and thighbones. Like osteosarcoma, this cancer affects primarily children and young adults between the ages of 10 and 25. Ewing's sarcoma is responsible for 16 percent of bone cancer cases.
Rarer Bone Cancers
The following types of bone cancer are rare, and occur primarily in adults:
• Fibrosarcomas usually appear in the knee or hip area. They can arise in older patients after radiation therapy for other cancers.
• Adamantinomas usually occur in the shinbone.
• Chordomas are found most often in the sacrum -- the lower part of the spine, also known as the tailbone.

Metastatic Bone Cancer

Metastatic bone cancer -- cancer that starts somewhere else in the body and then spreads to the bone -- is much more common than primary bone cancer. Although any type of cancer can spread to the bone, the most common types are those of the breast, lung, kidney, thyroid, and prostate. Bone metastases most often arise in the hip, femur (thighbone), shoulder, and spine. Like other types of cancer, those that start in the bone can also spread to other parts of the body. The remainder of this overview focuses on the primary bone cancers osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma.

The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain, which is caused either by the spread of the tumor or by the breaking of bone that is weakened by a tumor. Stiffness or tenderness in the bone may also occur. Sometimes there are other symptoms, such as fatigue, fever, swelling, and stumbling.
But these symptoms can also be caused by other conditions. Only a doctor can tell for sure whether or not a patient has bone cancer.

As with most illnesses, the first part of the diagnosis of suspected bone cancer is a discussion with the doctor about the patient's personal and family medical history. Then the doctor performs a complete medical examination and conducts various tests.

Laboratory Tests
One key test is an examination of a patient's blood for alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme that can be found at particularly high levels in the blood when bone-forming cells are very active. This kind of high activity occurs normally when a young child's bones are growing, or when a broken bone is mending. Otherwise, it might be an indication that a tumor is creating abnormal bone tissue. Since alkaline phosphatase may rise in response to other causes, high levels don't necessarily indicate whether a patient has bone cancer, but they do signal the need for further evaluation.

Imaging Tests
A physician will usually order imaging tests such as an x-ray, which will allow the doctor to see any unusual bone growths. This may be followed by a bone scan, to see if there are other abnormal areas in the skeleton. Before a bone scan, a small amount of "tracer" material is injected into a vein. After a few hours, this tracer material, which is slightly radioactive, collects in places where there is new bone growth. A CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is often ordered to show the exact size and shape of the suspected bone tumor, and to determine if it has invaded surrounding tissue or the bone marrow space.

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Main Stages of Recent of Foreign Exchange Development

Main Stages of Recent of Foreign Exchange Development
Main Stages of Recent of Foreign Exchange Development
The main phases of the further development of the Forex in modern times were:
• signing of the Bretton Woods Accord
• constitution of the international monetary fund (IMF);
• emergency of the free-floating foreign exchange markets;
• creation of currency reserves;
• constitution of the European Monetary Union and the European
• Monetary Cooperation Fund;
• Introduction of the Euro as a currency.
The Bretton Woods Accord was signed in July 1944 by the United States, Great Britain, and France which agreed to make the currency market stable, particularly due to governmental controls on currency values. In order to implement it, two major goals were: emphasized: to provide the pegging (backing of prices) of currencies and to organize the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
In accordance to the Bretton Woods Accord, the major trading currencies were pegged to the U.S. dollar in the sense that they were allowed to fluctuate only one percent on either side of that rate. When a currency exceeded this range, marked by intervention points, the central bank in charge had to buy it or sell it, and thus bring it back into range. In turn, the U.S. dollar was pegged to gold at $35 per ounce. Thus, the U.S. dollar became the world's reserve currency. The purpose of IMF is to consult with one another to maintain a stable system of buying and selling the currencies, so that payments in foreign money can take place between countries smoothly and timely.
The IMF lends money to members who have trouble meeting financial obligations to other members, on the condition that they undertake economic reforms to eliminate these difficulties for their own good and the good of the entire membership. In total the main tasks of the IMF are:
• to promote international cooperation by providing the means for members to consult and collaborate on international monetary issues;
• to facilitate the growth of international trade and thus contribute to high levels of employment and real income among member nations;
• to promote stability of exchange rates and orderly exchange agreements, and [to] discourage competitive currency depreciation;
• to foster a multilateral system of international payments, and to seek the elimination of exchange restrictions that hinder the growth of world trade;
• to make financial resources available to members, on a temporary basis and with adequate safeguards, to permit them to correct payments imbalances without resorting to measures destructive to national and international prosperity.
To execute these goals the IMF uses such instruments as Reserve tranche which allows a member to draw on its own reserve asset quota at the time of payment, Credit tranche drawings and stand-by arrangements are the standard form of IMF loans, the compensatory financing facility extends financial help to countries with temporary problems generated by reductions in export revenues

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Island:Bohol island philippines

Bohol has a large number of hotels, resorts, and other facilities for tourists. Most of these are concentrated in Tagbilaran and around Alona Beach, with a few more scattered around the island. To help you make your choice we have listed most hotels here, with some short personal comments.

We often get requests for the cheapest resorts or places to stay. This, however, is an question we will answer, as it makes little sense. I think it is better to go for the best value for money, within your budget, and considering your wishes. There are expensive hotels that are worth every centavo and cheap hotels that offer great value for money, but you can also find really bad places in every price-range.

The purpose of this site is to help you find a place that matches your budget and expectations. As a general rule, if you want to stay directly on the beach, you pay much more, and could easily find a much more pleasant place a few hundred meters from the beach. When you select one of the larger, secluded resorts, you will pay considerably more than with most smaller resorts, especially if alternative locations are nearby (such as on Alona Beach).

Details for resorts can also be found via our search interface.


Anda, a peaceful municipality on a peninsula with the same name at the north-east of Bohol, about 100 kilometers from Tagbilaran (2 hours by bus), is so-far mostly unaffected by tourism, but this is likely to change once more people discover its wonderful beaches, and the attractive environment of the peninsula. So far, only a few resorts have opened their doors to visitors, but a few more are in development.

Bituon Beach Resort, under German and Filipino management is located on top of some very nice cliffs in Basdio, Guindulman. It consists of a number of nicely maintained bungalows in native style with a terrific sight across the Bohol Sea. The bungalows are provided with basic facilities, and are clean and spacious. They lack an aircon, but, given the normally cool breeze that blows from the see, you won't miss it. The restaurant serves excellent food, but is not a-la carte, although they will adjust to special dietary wishes, and is one of the few places in Bohol able to prepare a good vegetarian meal. Bituon Beach Resorts has its own complete diving facilities. The resort also has its own tiny patch of beach at the feet of the cliffs. A concrete stair will lead you to a very small beach, from which the resort's dive-boats leads you to a number of dive-sites along the coast of the Anda peninsula.

Bungalow at Bituon Beach Resort
This resort caters mostly to German speaking scuba divers who arrive here on fully pre-arranged tours. The rate starts at EUR 34 per person (not per bungalow) per night, including all meals. Given the location on top of high cliffs, the place is less suitable for small children.

Cocowhite-Beach Resort, also in Basdio, but Swiss owned, opened its door on 4 May 2002. It has a small private beach, and includes all facilities for diving, including courses. The resort also is mainly oriented to German speaking guests on fully arranged tours. Cocowhite Beach resort has its own patch of beach underneath some nice cliffs. Rates are in the order of USD 30 per person per night, including all meals.

Dapdap Beach Resort, in Candabong, Anda, lies at the western end of Anda's stretch of wonderful beaches. Under Filipino management, this resort offers aircon rooms up to PHP 1500, and family rooms for PHP 600. Simple nipa huts can be had for PHP 400. It also offers shelters for picnics.
Flower-Beach Resort, in Virgen, Anda, provides airconditioned guestrooms in duplex houses. Build in traditional materials, but designed to western comfort standards. The resort has its own diving facilities, with access to some of the better, but less visited diving spots near Anda.
 to the west of Bohol, part of the municipality of Loon. Unlike the nearby islands of Sandingan and Pangangan it is not connected with the main land of Bohol, so you'll need to go there by boat, which is possible from Barangay Mocpoc in Loon. On the island are three resorts, and some of the best diving locations of the Philippines. The dive-site north-west of Cabilao Island is a favorite spot for shark enthusiasts, as hammerhead sharks can be seen here regularly. On the island itself, birds are protected, which means that you can see more of these feathered friends than you are used to on the main-land.

rt, in operation since January 2004 and has four bungalows with all facilities, and a restaurant plus bar.